Excellence 360 - Intuituive Wellness Connection

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sharing Your Journey of Excellence

When I was deciding what to write about for this week's topic, I kept reflecting on how many people are experiencing the same growth challenges or similar stories along their journey of excellence.

What I have discovered is how much peace it brings to us as individuals and collectively when we are able to share our stories and provide each other with loving support. A sense of connection and being able to release the feeling that we alone in our experiences on the massive planet earth is a great comfort.

So today I will discuss the tips and solutions you can use to become more comfortable in sharing your journey and finding the right support system that will lovingly support you and your journey of excellence.

1) Spend a few moments (5-10mins) each morning and night to review in your mind any area that seems not to be working for you and the areas that are working well. You can journal or make a mental note of what comes up for you.

2) Set your intention daily to find ways to receive assistance in the areas you would like to see improvement to support your journey of excellence. Open your awareness to the answer that present itself by ways of open invitation to groups discussions, supportive webinars or teleseminar or that friend, colleague or family member who is open for chat with  you or meet you for tea.

3) Allow the new found support of friend or group to answer your asking - this will mean you put yourself in an awareness state of mind for loving support. Become aware of the words used by the person you are sharing your story with...listen for word of empowerment, encouragement and inspiration. If you are receiving a lot of negative feed back.... move on to find better support. This does not mean you will always be told what you think you want to hear but the support and guidance should always be given in a loving supportive way that empowers you.

4) Ensure you take action on any informative information that is received in these interaction. Like-wise, be open to sharing your insights in the same manner for any area that you are experiencing success. This will allow the consistent flow of support right back to you as well.

My message to you today you are not alone on your journey. There are many ways to find and receive support that will move you forward. Just be open to discovery and taking action to improve upon where you are today.

With the millions and billions of people on this planet, it would be naive of us to ever assume we are alone unless you are keeping your eyes and ears closed and that should not be how you live your live of excellence.

So be open and share you never know what may be shared with you in return that assists your journey or helps another move forward on theirs.

Blessing for an Excellence Driven Day!!!!

For more tip and solutions you can contact Juliet directly for one on one support Strategy Session