Excellence 360 - Intuituive Wellness Connection

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Richard Branson: Five Secrets to Business Success - Entrepreneur.com

As Posted on Virgin Site:

Many people question whether I have found a secret - or at least a consistent answer - to successfully building businesses.

After reflecting across 40 years and thinking about what characterises so many of Virgin’s successful ventures, I have come up with five "secrets" to business success.

1 - Enjoy What You Are Doing.

2 - Create Something That Stands Out.

3 - Create Something That Everybody Who Works for You is Really Proud of.

4 - Be a Good Leader.

5 - Be Visible.

Richard Branson: Five Secrets to Business Success - Entrepreneur.com

Sunday, September 12, 2010


What Power is working in your life?

Everyone know that you ASK and you shall RECEIVE. Well if you don't know, you will with the new book THE POWER by the well known author of the Secret, Rhonda Byrne.

I've have been saying for years that the Secret didn't go far enough in explaining how to truly receive your best life possible. So many of us have many negative patterns that require serious shifting in order to manifest our true hearts desires.

Well in in her new book THE POWER, Rhonda does just that. She now explains to those who are still struggling to understand why they are still receiving the same old same old in their lives or unable to manifest with any consistency, Rhonda does this in as simple terms of positive and negative force of LOVE.

The true POWER in all our lives in LOVE. Now for those of you who know this fact and understand how to master your creative force of love, there are still many great points she makes that will just push your life by leaps and bounds to master your force of creation. For those who are struggling, you will finally be able to release the struggle and claim Your Power of Love. It is truly the driving force of this world and should be the driving force in your life.

Once we master  THE POWER, LOVE, we can create the harmony and balance in life that is our heart's desires and live our life of heaven on heart that was intended for us all.

If you want to learn more please order yourself a copy from the attached link. I would love to hear about how the book has made shifts in your life after reading so please post your comments and observations.

Sending Much LOVE and Blessing to ALL

Juliet Francis
Sept.12, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Falling in LOVE with Your Excellence

Have you been wondering how to Fall in Love with Your Excellence?

To breath life into the very areas of your life that you desire to achieve your greatness now and always.

Well I have the tools for you as well as an amazing Coaching Excellence program geared to the different areas of Excellence you are ready to create and improve upon now.

I will teach and show you how you can have all that your desire that provides you with the Excellence in your life, your family, your business, relationships health etc.

Your Excellence in only a mindset change a way and with the right building blocks and release of old patterning you can claim "Your Excellence" now.

Contact me today: Juliet - Excellence 360