Excellence 360 - Intuituive Wellness Connection

Monday, November 22, 2010

Are You Following Your Passion???

If your answer to the above question is NO!!! then ask yourself why and what are you waiting for???

The right time, circumstance, events, people, enough money... What is it that is holding you back from living your joy, your bliss in the now.

Living your life the way it was meant to be lived.

So many times we hold ourselves back for our joy and blame others and the circumstances or the situations and we don't take the time to really look at what is holding us back....

Our own believes as to whether we CAN or Can't accomplish our dream/goal and what will others think??

Are you the type that makes a New Years resolutions ... only to have it dead by the time you throw out the Christmas tree and pack away the decorations only to dust them off again next year along with your dream to sail the seas... belly-dance... travel the world... paint the house.... start gardening.... take the mechanics course.... whatever it maybe... Would you like to know how easy it is to stop procrastinating and just do it...

My passion and joy is to assist other to learn how to do just that, to live your passion the same why I CAN and to enjoy every minute of your life.

I had an amazing guest speaker, Ricardo Mcrae, at my B.E.S.A.N. event this past weekend, at Harlem Underground... great spot in Toronto, ON... Ricardo is entrenpeneur and business visionary who left the "secruity" of the corporate world to follow his passion of being an artist back when it was not cool to follow your bliss. He now has a thriving web-design business and the creator and founder of Who's Who in Black Canada
He remained my group... if you are not living  your bliss.... STOP right now figure out what is it and do just it (like Nike)... Find out how you can fulfill and live your joy each and everyday.

Ricardo says that others will ask him what he does for fun or in is spare time - His answer, "I don't know what you mean... I am having fun... this is my joy" he doesn't know to what they refer .... long gone are the days of his humble beginnings and as he remains true to his choice to live his passion each and everyday he lives without regret.

Wouldn't that be an awesome feeling to awake-up everyday just knowing you can't wait to see what the day has to hold... Just like going on vacation or opening your Christmas gifts...knowing your just going to have a great time no matter what....

You can and the 1st gift I give to you... it is to let you know "You Are Worth It!" now repeat after me...
"I AM Worth It" now and everyday..... not just someday in the future or when someone else tells you it's OK.

If you do nothing else but to repeat the phrase "I AM Worth It", you will begin to open up to your knowing and belief that it is OK for you to choose your passion Now....

Start by choosing to say YES to you now and you will be saying Yes I Can tomorrow.

Are you ready to jump start your passion... Join me January 12th 2011 from 7-9pm for free call to accelerate your passion for 2011 or Come to our next networking event and talk with others who are doing what you would love to do. Live your live with Passion and Purpose... Register Here:

If you enjoyed this article, share your comments below. Let me know what you would choose as your passion now....
If you like to know more about Ricardo Mcrae what he does: Click Here:
If you would like to get started on your living your excellence today contact me directly at Juliet

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Nine Principles of Manifestation

Thanks to Wayne Dyer for this amazing reminder

found in this amazing CD the Four Pathways to Success

The Nine Principles of Manifestation - Affirmations
1) I know I am my higher self at all times

2) I know when I trust in myself, I trust in the wisdom that created me... – Trust and Faith

3) It’s already here ... Its in me and it is in that ... I am completely connected to it all
4) I have the power (energy) within me to attract whatever I perceive to be missing in my life
  • - I have the power in me to have it show up in me exactly as it needs to
  • - It is all that I am..... I have it in me to bring all I need to the place I am.
5) I know that I am worth of receiving that which I attract
  • - I know that I am worth of receiving that which I would like to attract
  • - I am entitled to all that I attract
  • - I am what God is doing
  • - Receiving and giving is the principle of the universe
6) Unconditional Love for anything and everything that shows up (I attracted it)
7) Sounds have power – practice the inter-dimension sound of Ahhhhh... effortless perfection

8) Infinite Patience - detachment of outcome – Infinite patience produces infinite results
  • -when I know that I am infinitely connected....then I let go it knowing it will show up on time...now I am at peace
  • - I ask for everything in order that I may enjoy life.... I was given life in order that I may enjoy everything
9) Generosity of service and gratitude – I give and receive and I receive and give that is service

My choice is to be a Host to GOD.... not a hostage to my EGO....

Leave your comments and let me know how these principles work for you or how you apply them in your life.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Richard Branson: Five Secrets to Business Success - Entrepreneur.com

As Posted on Virgin Site:

Many people question whether I have found a secret - or at least a consistent answer - to successfully building businesses.

After reflecting across 40 years and thinking about what characterises so many of Virgin’s successful ventures, I have come up with five "secrets" to business success.

1 - Enjoy What You Are Doing.

2 - Create Something That Stands Out.

3 - Create Something That Everybody Who Works for You is Really Proud of.

4 - Be a Good Leader.

5 - Be Visible.

Richard Branson: Five Secrets to Business Success - Entrepreneur.com

Sunday, September 12, 2010


What Power is working in your life?

Everyone know that you ASK and you shall RECEIVE. Well if you don't know, you will with the new book THE POWER by the well known author of the Secret, Rhonda Byrne.

I've have been saying for years that the Secret didn't go far enough in explaining how to truly receive your best life possible. So many of us have many negative patterns that require serious shifting in order to manifest our true hearts desires.

Well in in her new book THE POWER, Rhonda does just that. She now explains to those who are still struggling to understand why they are still receiving the same old same old in their lives or unable to manifest with any consistency, Rhonda does this in as simple terms of positive and negative force of LOVE.

The true POWER in all our lives in LOVE. Now for those of you who know this fact and understand how to master your creative force of love, there are still many great points she makes that will just push your life by leaps and bounds to master your force of creation. For those who are struggling, you will finally be able to release the struggle and claim Your Power of Love. It is truly the driving force of this world and should be the driving force in your life.

Once we master  THE POWER, LOVE, we can create the harmony and balance in life that is our heart's desires and live our life of heaven on heart that was intended for us all.

If you want to learn more please order yourself a copy from the attached link. I would love to hear about how the book has made shifts in your life after reading so please post your comments and observations.

Sending Much LOVE and Blessing to ALL

Juliet Francis
Sept.12, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Falling in LOVE with Your Excellence

Have you been wondering how to Fall in Love with Your Excellence?

To breath life into the very areas of your life that you desire to achieve your greatness now and always.

Well I have the tools for you as well as an amazing Coaching Excellence program geared to the different areas of Excellence you are ready to create and improve upon now.

I will teach and show you how you can have all that your desire that provides you with the Excellence in your life, your family, your business, relationships health etc.

Your Excellence in only a mindset change a way and with the right building blocks and release of old patterning you can claim "Your Excellence" now.

Contact me today: Juliet - Excellence 360

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sharing Your Journey of Excellence

When I was deciding what to write about for this week's topic, I kept reflecting on how many people are experiencing the same growth challenges or similar stories along their journey of excellence.

What I have discovered is how much peace it brings to us as individuals and collectively when we are able to share our stories and provide each other with loving support. A sense of connection and being able to release the feeling that we alone in our experiences on the massive planet earth is a great comfort.

So today I will discuss the tips and solutions you can use to become more comfortable in sharing your journey and finding the right support system that will lovingly support you and your journey of excellence.

1) Spend a few moments (5-10mins) each morning and night to review in your mind any area that seems not to be working for you and the areas that are working well. You can journal or make a mental note of what comes up for you.

2) Set your intention daily to find ways to receive assistance in the areas you would like to see improvement to support your journey of excellence. Open your awareness to the answer that present itself by ways of open invitation to groups discussions, supportive webinars or teleseminar or that friend, colleague or family member who is open for chat with  you or meet you for tea.

3) Allow the new found support of friend or group to answer your asking - this will mean you put yourself in an awareness state of mind for loving support. Become aware of the words used by the person you are sharing your story with...listen for word of empowerment, encouragement and inspiration. If you are receiving a lot of negative feed back.... move on to find better support. This does not mean you will always be told what you think you want to hear but the support and guidance should always be given in a loving supportive way that empowers you.

4) Ensure you take action on any informative information that is received in these interaction. Like-wise, be open to sharing your insights in the same manner for any area that you are experiencing success. This will allow the consistent flow of support right back to you as well.

My message to you today you are not alone on your journey. There are many ways to find and receive support that will move you forward. Just be open to discovery and taking action to improve upon where you are today.

With the millions and billions of people on this planet, it would be naive of us to ever assume we are alone unless you are keeping your eyes and ears closed and that should not be how you live your live of excellence.

So be open and share you never know what may be shared with you in return that assists your journey or helps another move forward on theirs.

Blessing for an Excellence Driven Day!!!!

For more tip and solutions you can contact Juliet directly for one on one support Strategy Session

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Making Your Excellence - Your Choice

Many of us create our lives by default. Always wanting and desiring change but never really committing to getting down and dirty and cleaning out the stuff does not match nor does it assist you with your desire where your life to be.

How accountable are you for the things are showing up in your life right now?

It's time, if you are not doing this already, to really pay attention and open up your awareness to the people, things and events etc. that are showing up in your everyday life that does not match your desires for your life of excellence.

Last week I gave you some steps to how to increase your gratitude and in turn increase your attraction to the more positive things that show up in your life.

This week we will focus on you Mastering Your Choice for Excellence: I will bring your attention to your energy of settling and be complacent so you can move forward to your desired choice to receive and allow excellence into your everyday life.

1) Create Your Desire Vision of Excellence – what does excellence look like to you, new career, having a great family life, being with a great partner, a thriving business, being able to travel the world, having great people in your life etc. Create the vision of excellence you desire to show up in your life or business. Use pictures, words , colour paint etc. whatever shows you your vision. It's important to know what you desire so you can be aware if you are get your desired results.

2) Plan Your Excellence – make a plan for your ideas of excellence that you desire to see in your life, family, business, career and community.

Ex. If you desire a better paying job or a new home your need to make a plan how you see yourself getting there whether that meanings going back to school, applying for a new job, saving more money etc. Make a note any areas you will require assistance with making it happen.

3) Take Your Action Steps: Now that you have created your vision, and made a plan to achieve your excellence, you must begin to focus on the actions steps required to achieve excellence in your life. It may require making a task list, daily, monthly etc to get the desired results you desire to achieve. You cannot just desire a great career, create your vision, make a plan and not execute your plan. This is where you may fall short. If your plan requires taking course, hiring a marketing person etc. find what you need to do to take your desire action step and then do it.

4) Open up Your Awareness to Your Vision of Excellence: review your vision, your plan and your action step daily, weekly and monthly to ensure you are aligned to what you desire to create. See what results you are getting and fine tune any areas that is not working for you and release any stumbling blocks as you continue to choose the excellence you desire to show up in your life or business. You may need to revaluate what you vision and make the necessary tweaks.

5) Celebrate Your Excellence: celebrating your excellence is your honouring your milestones as well as being grateful for what you have consciously created to show up in your life. Celebrate the small steps accomplished as they lead the even bigger step and will propel you by leaps and bounds to Master Your Choices for Excellence.

For assistance with Mastering Your Choice for  Excellence or to obtain clarity on this or any of the other topics on this blog.....Contact ME: Juliet Franics

Have an Excellence driven day!!!!

Please leave a comment on how you or someone else you know is creating excellence in their lives today

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Mastering your Gratitude

How do You Stop Sabotaging Your Progress?

Are you the type of person that when things are going really well beyond what you would have normally expected, you start discounting everything that is happening only to find that a few days or weeks later you are right back where you started or even worse than you had been before.....

Wouldn't it be nice to accept the amazing things that come your way with ease and gratitude so that you can continue to receive your great blessing plus continue to receive more of the same or better.

Let's start with a 4 simple steps to Master Your Gratitude:

1) Acknowledge where you are and what you are receiving in your life right now (good or bad)- make a list.
By acknowledgement you begin to recognize things you are receiving in your life. You will see what you have created in your life consciously or unconsciously (majority right now).

2) From the list you created look at the items you received in your life that you desire more to continue and place a star beside it on your list. You have already acknowledge the preceive negative but this is not to be your focus you can thank those items for showing you what your have created unconsciously. Now you will Focus on the Positive - What you think about most is what you will attract.

3) On a separate piece of paper write your intention for all the items you place a star beside as well as how it makes you feel. Hold those thoughts and feelings close to your heart and allow it to grow.

4) Finally, just be Thankful, Grateful for where you are right now. A grateful heart is a full heart.

Repeat this practice for 21 days and beyond until it becomes habit. Looking at wonderful things that show up in your life this way allows you to consciously create more of the positive items on your list until it becomes second nature. It will also quiet the negative talk in your head and keep you from being around others who don't quite understand your joy. You will get to a point where your review can be done in your mind as it becomes a natural part of you.

Remember it's the little things we do that create the biggest impact.

Lovingly creating mastery of my excellence everyday Juliet

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Positive Cash Flow Management - Top 4 Tips

81|% of small business fail due to poor Cash Flow Management and it's a major cause of sleepless nights for many business owners.

Today we look at the Top 4 Tips that you can do to gain and maintain control of the cash flowing into and out of your business.

1) Create a 12 month Cash flow analysis - When you are able to see the demands on your business for cash(payments) as well as actual cash coming in, you can plan how to best utilize the money each month. It should also stop you from making the unnecessary purchases, like taking advantage of a 50% discount on inventory items when you have to borrow money or significantly reduce your cash flow to make the purchase. If you have to wait 60-90 days or longer to realize a profit on that inventory your should be thinking twice.

2) Review your Cash Flow statement weekly: In the 1st 5years of business you should be personally reviewing your cash flow statement weekly so you now exactly where you stand each week in terms of cash on hand (in bank). Then you should be review with your account monthly to ensure you cover any gaps that you may have missed and to assist with planning well in advance of tax season.

3) Collect your receivables: If you are aging your receivable for more than 60 days, you will have a cash flow problem. You should only be dealing with clients that pay that pay you on the terms of your invoice and if they are not, you should ensure you charge them the interest you noted if not, they will not take you seriously.  Also make it easy for your client to pay you. Accept credit card payments, eMoney transfers or third party processing like Paypal. Offer discounts for clients who pay early or on time.
The easier your clients can get the money in your hand (bank) the quicker your positive cash flow builds.

4) Control your spending: If you know you have a big purchase of equipment or inventory to buy then plan for that item. If you need to request a loan for that item, contact your bank will in advance with your positive cash flow statement in hand to show how you will be able to make the payments. Also watch your spending on miscellaneous or unnecessary items as they eat into your cash flow statement.

With your consistent attention to the money coming into and out of your business you can determine your marketing and sales strategies much better as well as better manage your future growth and expansion.

With a little effort you will always be able to maintain a positive cash flow in your business.

For assistance with creating or guidance on your Positive Cash Flow Statement contact me directly Juliet Francis

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Standards of Excellence in Business

What standards have you set for yourself and your business?
Do you give excellence so you receive excellence in return?

To be really successful and have repeat business, you must set the standards for yourself and your business as well as the excellence you plan to deliver.

You cannot expect your clients to be timely if you’re always running late or receive prompt payment from your customer if you are not delivering on your client’s requests.

On that same note, if who are you bending over backwards to please don't be surprised when you get run over.

Yes you are running a business and with that fact in mind always remember who you are serving while still being authentic to your business needs.

I know I love to know exactly what to expect from the business(es) I frequent and I love to share with my friends and family the business that provide for me their excellence which makes me feel like I matter in what they do.

So take time today and create your top ten standards for yourself and your business.
1) Timely service (no waiting, by appointment only, 24hr turn-around etc)
2) Quality products and affordable prices (100% natural and organic)
3) Easy payment methods (credit, debit etc)
4) Customized solutions (Tailored training program to suit each client)
5) Same day On-site visits  (Call today see you today)
6) We use only fresh ingredients or Fresh products daily

Then for each category determine what the excellence is behind the standards you are setting.
For 1) No waiting  - Your excellence statement would be - I ensure my client is promptly attended to as they walk through the our door.
For 3) I offer easy payment solutions - Your excellence statement would be - I ensure my payment process in working the moment I walk into my business.
For 6) We use only fresh ingredients - Your excellence statement would be - I choose suppliers that ensure they can delivery to me daily to ensure my products are fresh and well stocked.
If you are an on-line business make sure your information is up-to-date and relevant. Remove information from 2years ago.

You will find that having this list will not only assist you be better at serving your clients but you will also bring the right type of clients and suppliers into your business.

Once you set the right standards, you can deliver the excellence you would like to achieve for yourself and your business as you have now set the right level of expectation.

If you require assistance on creating and implementing your standard of excellence, I would love to be of assistance contact me: Juliet

Monday, June 28, 2010

The Power of Choice

We all know about choice but "Do You understand what You are choosing"... I saw a bit of the movie Dangerous Minds the other day where Michele Pfieffer character asked her class about the choice they made everyday to get on the bus to go to school while others stayed home to sell drugs or worse....She asked them to think about why they choose to get on the bus...Because each on of them chose to be in her class everyday...
So many us don't understand why we decided to get on the bus....

Just for today take a few moments and think about this question......

Do you know why you get on the your bus (car, train, etc) every day???

The answer may surprise you or you may just be surprised that you have never really given it that much thought.

Post  your comments and let me know more about Your Whys...

Or contact me directly if you would like guidance on how to discover Your Whys.....Juliet Francis

Sunday, June 27, 2010

My Thought for Today

It's more than just the pitch but the integrity of the behind the statements... It's more than just the facts & the figures but the culture it delivers... It's more than just the game being played but the players on the field... It's about the excellence being delivered that is going to seal the deal for me....

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Aloette Cosmetics -Opportunity Sessions

What a bolt of energy Mr. Tom Judson, President of Aloette Cosmetics, was..... He's is definitely an American at heart but he was quite at home in the Canadian franchise of Toronto East/West operated by franchise President - Ann Marie Roche.

For two nights, he had a room full of over 250+ women laughing and energized that one man knows so much about women's products.

His knowledge of Aloette's Skin Care line and it's mineral based cosmetics line, goes to his dedication to the company he values. This former Tupperware sales man....knows his way around the direct selling market and was able to show us the detailed difference around Aloette's unique products, compensation plan and the value it places on the people who make Aloette Cosmetics what it is today.

Ageless Science
The demonstration on the product Ageless Science was a true testimony to the products components of hyaluronic acid and the nanotechnology patented by Aloette to deliver this amazing skin care treatment right through all the layers of the skin to the dermas where the skin can truly heal and repair on all levels. We were able to see the results on the face in 15 minute demonstration. It was truly amazing. As well  he spoke of the amazing benefits of the 5 piece Platinum Skin Care line with all the great aloe healing and repair benefits combined with the added value of slowing the skin’s aging process and another great product in the line, Bio-C powder with the pure healing benefits of vitamin C that protects skin, minimizes the fine lines and stablizes your collagen levels.

5pc Platinum Skin Care Pkg
At the end of Tom's presentation, what impressed me most, was the value he placed on the women in his audience and when he was complete, he left the room feeling energized to action.

Most of the women there, who weren't already consultants, were either signing up to be a part of the Aloette franchise with all its benefits or they were figuring out when they can host their own show and take advance of this amazing skin-care line.

Here's Your $1700+ Starter Kit.... at no cost to you to get started today
If you would like to find out more on how to become a part of the Aloette Cosmetics "Opportunity of a Lifetime" email Jules or call and book an appointment to host your own Spa Party today at 1-866-562-4440

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Excellence is waiting for you.....

Today I thought I'd share with you a poem that I received several years ago.

It came to me at just the right time just when I needed to hear the words...... so today I  share those words for those who maybe struggling to keep committed to their excellence....

Don't Quit

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,

When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,

When funds are low and the debts are high,

And you want to smile but you have to sigh,

When care is pressing you down a bit,

Rest if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,

As every one of us sometimes learns,

And many a failure turns about,

When he might have won if he'd stuck it out.

Don't give up, though the pace seems slow -

You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than

It seems to a faint and faltering man;

Often the struggler has given up

When he might have captured the victor's cup,

And he learned too late, when the night slipped down,

How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out -

The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,

And you never can tell how close you are -

It may be near when it seems afar;

So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit -

It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit.

Author Unknown

Keep the magic coming....
Juliet Francis

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What's holding you back from moving forward with your vision?

Ever wonder why just at the time you are making big changes or going through some amazing expansion, something comes up that slows you down or makes you want to put on the breaks on your amazing new life.

It's the old  you with the disbelief that your life could possibly get any better or the naysayers in your head and the doubting Thomas that are trying to keep you small instead of grand and the excellent being that you are inside.

Well I've been there and I know what it feels like to say 'what next' or it's just not happening the way I want or need. But it's at those very moments when having someone who sheds light on the many possibilities that are now opening up for you that will assist you in moving to the next level very quickly.

I know when I was going the gym to shed those last 10lbs and wanting to get back in to my size 8 clothes it was nice to have a trainer who reminded me of my vision for myself and who did not let me give-up before my vision of wearing a swimsuit on the beach manifested.

Have you ever decided to run a race or a 10k or 20k walk, aren't there always those key spots where you know you will just want to give up and walk of the path. Isn't it nice that with the knowing, you continue to walk or run the race until you reach the finish line. What an amazing feeling when you cross that line. The feeling of self-accomplishment, the joy and the exhilaration.

If you are at that stage right now where you feel stuck or stagnant and not sure how to move forward then you come to the right place.

Click on the link Be Excellence 101 to get your amazing crystal clear 1  hour Business Strategic One on One session with me. On this 1 hour call we will  get lighting clear about what's holding you back and what you need to do to move forward with your vision. You will get one hour to pick my brain on the strategies I use to assist my elite clientele.

I am looking forward to assisting you move to a place of empowerment and crystal clear focus to manifest your vision.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Daily Tip - What You Focus on Expands

Let's Focus on Growth:

What you would like to achieve by the end of week. What one thing if it happened would make your week?

Write it down and for 5mins in the morning, 5 mins at lunch, 5 mins on your commute home and then 5 mins before you go to bed over the next 5 days really focus on the one thing. Vision what it would look like, what it would feel like and what it will change in your life or your business.

Please choose something positive that will show immediate results for your business.

I’ll check back in on Friday and see what has shifted in your business so we can celebrate your success.....

Thursday, June 10, 2010

What are your limiting beliefs:

What is stopping you from achieving your excellence?
My favourite quote from Wayne's book is this

“You elevate your life by taking responsibility for who you are and what you’re choosing to become. You can transcend the ordinary, mundane, and average with thoughts of greater joy and meaning; you can decide to elevate your life, rather than have it stagnate or deteriorate with excuses. Go beyond where you presently are.” Wayne Dwyer

Some of allow the fear of success to stop us from reaching our ultimate vision. I know for me it's important to keep striving for the excellence in me at all times.
I AM choosing excellence in this moment and that's all that matters.
What are you choosing for yourself today?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

An Excellence Quote:

This one of my favourite quotes was taken from an excerpt from the Oprah show when the Smith family visited to explain their family goals and the unity they have created.
I like the quote becuase it reminds us were our deep inspiration must be found...

"So we are there to help inspire and facilitate their vision, because in order to reach the type of excellence that Will is talking about, you have to be able to reach inside yourself to find that drive. Nobody can put that drive in you, so you have to inspire the individual to find and focus on the goal that they want for themselves” Jada Pinkett-Smith

Where do you find your inspiration and drive ? post your comments below and then let me know what you are focusing on now to achieve your excellence.

Thanks much

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Millionaire Mind Set ???

What an interesting evening last night with Mr T Harv Eker himself here in Toronto Canada.
T Harv had the audience inspired to create an internet business to create new found wealth in their lives. For about an hour and half he had myself and my friend totally with  him as we totally understood the value of what he had to offer to the audience.

But something happened in the last 15 minutes that makes me question his out-dated business presentation model.
Is it really necessary to YELL at your audience to command attention?
Is it necessary to disempower the very people you had empowered only a few short minutes before?

I won't even repeat some of the things I heard at the end but I do hope T Harv takes a listen to himself at some point cause ....wooooow.... not nice.....

What I believe T Harv forgot in the moment, when he must have lost his mind... is that 300+ member of his audience understand the value of the products and services he has to offer. 90% of us were previous graduates of one of his programs. And his new Bootcamp had the same value if not more.

T Harv - You have a great product.... You are offering value.... your presentation needs to change.....

This is how you empower and inspire others after such and empowering speech:

1)Thank the audience for coming,
2) Let them know that this is a limited time offer
3) Let them know you are only offering to a limited # of people tonight
4) Remind them of the value (tremendous value)
5) Empower the others to sign-up for some of your other programs
6) Remind the other audience members that they can be part of your ambassador program
7) Celebrate the ones who have signed up and thank them for moving so quickly.8) Thank your audience again and let the ones know who will be missing out on your program that you still value them and maybe you may offer the program again in future

This would have been the way I would have liked my night with T Harv to have ended.

Love the inspiration Mr Eker but it's time to move into the new model of inspiring, empowering and celebrating. There is now longer a need to make others feel small for where they are in life. The ones who lead by example is motivation to the rest.

Please feel free to leave your comments or thoughts on the above or similar situations

Monday, June 7, 2010

Step 1 - Creating Your Action Plan

The #1 Business Excellence Mastery

Planning The Vision:

You have a vision for yourself or your business?

One of the most important parts of creating the excellence is to know where you are going and what is your plan, your road map to your successful vision? The plan is important for you to refer back to when you need to clarify or make decision around your vision. Have you documented your business goal for the next month, 3mths, a year? Even if your vision is to become promoted to VP of your company, what steps are you going to take to get there? Are the key players in your life or business aware of your plan?

I had a recent client who had a vision to streamline processes for her company. To bring in new procedures and systems but she had no plan in place on how to get to her end result. So while she was busy making changes other key people in the company were making their own plans. The result lead to chaos and frustration for the entire company. Once we sat down and fully documented the vision then created a plan for the vision, it was easier to let everyone be aware of the one single vision for the company for the next 6 months. It was simpler and easier for everyone to focus and be clearly reminded even when they were tempted to stray slightly from the ultimate vision. With that said, the project was completed in 3 mths instead of 6 with focus and dedication to one plan of for the vision.

Know your plan. Don’t keep it in your head. There is a lot happening day in and out. Moment to moment and don’t expect others to know what is going on inside your head. What do you really want to create….. Chaos or Success.

I leave you with this quote

“Plan to fail if you fail to plan”.

Plan for success…… Need a little more guidance visit me at Business Excellence Strategy Session

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Excellence Mastery:

What is your Plan?

I have a 5 step process to assist you in claiming your excellence. Over the upcoming weeks I will be posting the steps and providing you with details on how to begin claiming your excellence if you have already achieved mastery level.
Mastery is the level where you know what you need to do to achieve your vision and you know the steps you must take to remain focused to achieve your ultimate vision.
It is my mission to bring individuals and business to a new level of excellence. Many of you do it automatically but for many others,your excellence is hidden and needs to be revealed. For some it is just a matter of direction an motivation for others we may have to go deeper to bring out the inner excellence that is waiting to shine.
By shining your excellence, you benefit, your business benefits, your customer and your family ultimately benefits with your new found freedom to create exactly what you desire for your vision.
I am looking forward to being here for you on your journey, providing you with useful tips, support, encouragement and inspiration to empower your excellence.
My hat's off to all whom provide excellence in countless ways to the benefit of all whom you serve.