Excellence 360 - Intuituive Wellness Connection

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Making Your Excellence - Your Choice

Many of us create our lives by default. Always wanting and desiring change but never really committing to getting down and dirty and cleaning out the stuff does not match nor does it assist you with your desire where your life to be.

How accountable are you for the things are showing up in your life right now?

It's time, if you are not doing this already, to really pay attention and open up your awareness to the people, things and events etc. that are showing up in your everyday life that does not match your desires for your life of excellence.

Last week I gave you some steps to how to increase your gratitude and in turn increase your attraction to the more positive things that show up in your life.

This week we will focus on you Mastering Your Choice for Excellence: I will bring your attention to your energy of settling and be complacent so you can move forward to your desired choice to receive and allow excellence into your everyday life.

1) Create Your Desire Vision of Excellence – what does excellence look like to you, new career, having a great family life, being with a great partner, a thriving business, being able to travel the world, having great people in your life etc. Create the vision of excellence you desire to show up in your life or business. Use pictures, words , colour paint etc. whatever shows you your vision. It's important to know what you desire so you can be aware if you are get your desired results.

2) Plan Your Excellence – make a plan for your ideas of excellence that you desire to see in your life, family, business, career and community.

Ex. If you desire a better paying job or a new home your need to make a plan how you see yourself getting there whether that meanings going back to school, applying for a new job, saving more money etc. Make a note any areas you will require assistance with making it happen.

3) Take Your Action Steps: Now that you have created your vision, and made a plan to achieve your excellence, you must begin to focus on the actions steps required to achieve excellence in your life. It may require making a task list, daily, monthly etc to get the desired results you desire to achieve. You cannot just desire a great career, create your vision, make a plan and not execute your plan. This is where you may fall short. If your plan requires taking course, hiring a marketing person etc. find what you need to do to take your desire action step and then do it.

4) Open up Your Awareness to Your Vision of Excellence: review your vision, your plan and your action step daily, weekly and monthly to ensure you are aligned to what you desire to create. See what results you are getting and fine tune any areas that is not working for you and release any stumbling blocks as you continue to choose the excellence you desire to show up in your life or business. You may need to revaluate what you vision and make the necessary tweaks.

5) Celebrate Your Excellence: celebrating your excellence is your honouring your milestones as well as being grateful for what you have consciously created to show up in your life. Celebrate the small steps accomplished as they lead the even bigger step and will propel you by leaps and bounds to Master Your Choices for Excellence.

For assistance with Mastering Your Choice for  Excellence or to obtain clarity on this or any of the other topics on this blog.....Contact ME: Juliet Franics

Have an Excellence driven day!!!!

Please leave a comment on how you or someone else you know is creating excellence in their lives today

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