Excellence 360 - Intuituive Wellness Connection

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Mastering your Gratitude

How do You Stop Sabotaging Your Progress?

Are you the type of person that when things are going really well beyond what you would have normally expected, you start discounting everything that is happening only to find that a few days or weeks later you are right back where you started or even worse than you had been before.....

Wouldn't it be nice to accept the amazing things that come your way with ease and gratitude so that you can continue to receive your great blessing plus continue to receive more of the same or better.

Let's start with a 4 simple steps to Master Your Gratitude:

1) Acknowledge where you are and what you are receiving in your life right now (good or bad)- make a list.
By acknowledgement you begin to recognize things you are receiving in your life. You will see what you have created in your life consciously or unconsciously (majority right now).

2) From the list you created look at the items you received in your life that you desire more to continue and place a star beside it on your list. You have already acknowledge the preceive negative but this is not to be your focus you can thank those items for showing you what your have created unconsciously. Now you will Focus on the Positive - What you think about most is what you will attract.

3) On a separate piece of paper write your intention for all the items you place a star beside as well as how it makes you feel. Hold those thoughts and feelings close to your heart and allow it to grow.

4) Finally, just be Thankful, Grateful for where you are right now. A grateful heart is a full heart.

Repeat this practice for 21 days and beyond until it becomes habit. Looking at wonderful things that show up in your life this way allows you to consciously create more of the positive items on your list until it becomes second nature. It will also quiet the negative talk in your head and keep you from being around others who don't quite understand your joy. You will get to a point where your review can be done in your mind as it becomes a natural part of you.

Remember it's the little things we do that create the biggest impact.

Lovingly creating mastery of my excellence everyday Juliet

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