Excellence 360 - Intuituive Wellness Connection

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Your Future is Now!!!

Yes it's 2011 and you may say this year will be different and you're going to make big changes.
You're going to get started on those projects and make those changes you have been putting off.

What will be different for you this year? What will make you complete your project and reach your goals this year?

Today is January 17th, 2011 so what action have you taken to make 2011 Your Best Year Ever!

It's for you to make that all important decision that your future is now! It does not begin tomorrow or the day after. Your future and all your dreams begins with your decision to be committed to you.

Do you believe in you?  It is this question that holds the key.

What holds many back from truly embracing your goals and visions is the believe that you can actually get what you desire.
Old patterns and paradigms play a major role in whether or not you reach your ultimate destination and how long it takes you to get there.
Many of us are running subconscious patterns and programs that sabotage your progress due to lack of self-esteem, ,self-worth and old programs from parent, family members and teachers who told you "You can't" or "Your not worthy"  "Your too fat or "Your lazy" every time you make a step in the right direction you here these statements that hold you back from moving forward.
The biggest one for me "You can't make money doing with you love" "Go get a real job"

It is these thing types of statements that keep you from truly embracing your future now.

I personally have learnt how to easily break these patterns that for many years hindered my goals as it keep me from reaching my potential. I read the book and took the classes, but the biggest thing for me was finding the right mentors and coach to really make me take a hard look at the patterns that were hold me back.
I took the time to heal and release the patterns and embrace and develop new patterns that now makes my life a breeze.

Now that those are behind me, I move forward with each new day with a confidence that I knew was there but had difficult keeping in the fore-front to keep me on track to my ultimate joyous destination.

I have now created a course that assists others to break free of the old patterns and paradigms that old you back, like it did for me for many years. It's my turn to show others how you can truly embrace your future now with simple techniques to recognize your old negative patterns and replace it with once that serves your ultimate vision.

You are the source of your success so enjoy every moment of your co-creation.

Stay Blessed
Juliet "Jules" Francis

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