Excellence 360 - Intuituive Wellness Connection

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Standards of Excellence in Business

What standards have you set for yourself and your business?
Do you give excellence so you receive excellence in return?

To be really successful and have repeat business, you must set the standards for yourself and your business as well as the excellence you plan to deliver.

You cannot expect your clients to be timely if you’re always running late or receive prompt payment from your customer if you are not delivering on your client’s requests.

On that same note, if who are you bending over backwards to please don't be surprised when you get run over.

Yes you are running a business and with that fact in mind always remember who you are serving while still being authentic to your business needs.

I know I love to know exactly what to expect from the business(es) I frequent and I love to share with my friends and family the business that provide for me their excellence which makes me feel like I matter in what they do.

So take time today and create your top ten standards for yourself and your business.
1) Timely service (no waiting, by appointment only, 24hr turn-around etc)
2) Quality products and affordable prices (100% natural and organic)
3) Easy payment methods (credit, debit etc)
4) Customized solutions (Tailored training program to suit each client)
5) Same day On-site visits  (Call today see you today)
6) We use only fresh ingredients or Fresh products daily

Then for each category determine what the excellence is behind the standards you are setting.
For 1) No waiting  - Your excellence statement would be - I ensure my client is promptly attended to as they walk through the our door.
For 3) I offer easy payment solutions - Your excellence statement would be - I ensure my payment process in working the moment I walk into my business.
For 6) We use only fresh ingredients - Your excellence statement would be - I choose suppliers that ensure they can delivery to me daily to ensure my products are fresh and well stocked.
If you are an on-line business make sure your information is up-to-date and relevant. Remove information from 2years ago.

You will find that having this list will not only assist you be better at serving your clients but you will also bring the right type of clients and suppliers into your business.

Once you set the right standards, you can deliver the excellence you would like to achieve for yourself and your business as you have now set the right level of expectation.

If you require assistance on creating and implementing your standard of excellence, I would love to be of assistance contact me: Juliet

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