Excellence 360 - Intuituive Wellness Connection

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What's holding you back from moving forward with your vision?

Ever wonder why just at the time you are making big changes or going through some amazing expansion, something comes up that slows you down or makes you want to put on the breaks on your amazing new life.

It's the old  you with the disbelief that your life could possibly get any better or the naysayers in your head and the doubting Thomas that are trying to keep you small instead of grand and the excellent being that you are inside.

Well I've been there and I know what it feels like to say 'what next' or it's just not happening the way I want or need. But it's at those very moments when having someone who sheds light on the many possibilities that are now opening up for you that will assist you in moving to the next level very quickly.

I know when I was going the gym to shed those last 10lbs and wanting to get back in to my size 8 clothes it was nice to have a trainer who reminded me of my vision for myself and who did not let me give-up before my vision of wearing a swimsuit on the beach manifested.

Have you ever decided to run a race or a 10k or 20k walk, aren't there always those key spots where you know you will just want to give up and walk of the path. Isn't it nice that with the knowing, you continue to walk or run the race until you reach the finish line. What an amazing feeling when you cross that line. The feeling of self-accomplishment, the joy and the exhilaration.

If you are at that stage right now where you feel stuck or stagnant and not sure how to move forward then you come to the right place.

Click on the link Be Excellence 101 to get your amazing crystal clear 1  hour Business Strategic One on One session with me. On this 1 hour call we will  get lighting clear about what's holding you back and what you need to do to move forward with your vision. You will get one hour to pick my brain on the strategies I use to assist my elite clientele.

I am looking forward to assisting you move to a place of empowerment and crystal clear focus to manifest your vision.

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